Day three with Eno: Here Come The Warm Jet [1973]

1 min readDec 4, 2020


Brian Eno - Here Come The Warm Jet - 1973

“Brian Eno, beyond any other musician, taught my friends and me how to make music. The records he made remain some of the most important and essential recordings I have ever heard.” -Nick Cave

Yesterday I was talking with my brother and telling him why many people do not know Brian Eno. He answered that the people who should know, they know. I agreed with him and said he’s not a celebrity.

Last night I fell asleep with a dream of making ambient music and finding my life purpose. For many years I thought I’d be a good writer, however, I never put that much energy into work. So time arrived.

The songs performed in this video are rough mixes for preparation of here comes the warm jet. Beyond Brian Eno and Roxy Music, this documentary also shows dirty London in the 70s.

Eno (1973) Brian Eno documentary

I’d love these tracks, Here Come The Warm Jet, Dead Finks Don’t Talk, and On Some Faraway Beach which feels timeless.

Also, you can listen to the whole album here.




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